In the new year we have been running full steam! Here is a quick update on what we've been up to.
Upper Kittitas County Young Life in Cle Elum, WA recently gathered for area leadership. Five Leaders met and committed to meeting 25+ NEW kids each! Plus, eleven committee members met to further define roles and plan ahead. We prayed, reflected, trained, and geared up for what the Lord plans to do next. The area is ready to hire a staff person in the near future. Very exciting!
*Prayer request: pray that the area can recruit 3-5 more volunteer leaders and fill a couple of unfulfilled roles on committee.
Chelan Valley Young Life hired a new staff member beginning January 1st. She is handling not only the administration of the area, but will continue to keep the area moving forward so they can reach their goals. Clarissa Steiner is perfect for this role and has already jumped in setting up camp and getting the area organized. Michelle spent a week in the area training Clarissa and working with the committee. She had the pleasure of getting to know Clarissa and her husband John who are both committed to seeing kids in their community meet Jesus. We are so thankful for these heroes!
*Prayer request: Pray that Chelan Valley can build a strong high school team and take kids to camp this summer. Pray for the leaders as they continue to meet kids and invited them to clubs and campaigners.
- Deer Park, WA WyldLife has four committed leaders who are currently being trained. The team is praying and recruiting to add three more leaders to its team and hopes to have a WyldLife event in March. In addition, Deer Park has obtain camp spots at Creekside for June!
*Prayer request: Pray as the team works through training and continues to move towards recruiting 3-5 more leaders.
- WSU Alumni Start Up Board continues to move forward with now over 20 members! If you or if you know anyone who loves Young Life and loves WSU, we would enjoy having them on a 30 minutes Zoom, once a month, for 12 months to share stories and pray!
*Prayer request: Pray that people across the United States feel compelled to join the board and work together to get a once thriving ministry going again!
- Continue to pray for Young Life areas on the developer horizon that we are moving towards; Moscow, ID., Pullman, WA, West Plains, WA, and Anaconda, MT.
We are beyond grateful for the generosity of our supporters! We met our end of year short term financial goal - THANK YOU! Our next goal is to raise just under $65k in the next three months. This will sustain us through the end of the fiscal year, 9/2023. Click the link below to help support us in the Mountain West Region so we can help Start/Restart Young Life areas across the Mountain West Region. Pray that we can continue to stay funded, for safety in our travels, and that Lord is with us every step we take with areas.